2012 Celebration

AACG Celebrates 50 Years of Contemporary Glass in 2012!
The year 2012 marks the official 50th anniversary of the development of contemporary glass in the United States. AACG is working on a project to encourage museums and art centers throughout the U.S. to celebrate this milestone with exhibitions of contemporary glass. The project began with 177 letters mailed to museum directors encouraging the planning of exhibitions of contemporary glass sometime during 2012. In response to the letters and follow-up calls, more than 117 museums across the country say they are committed to doing some kind of contemporary glass exhibition in 2012.
AACG also is offering assistance to help museums create a theme exhibition and/ or procure loans of additional glass objects from collectors, artists or galleries, as well as develop lectures, forums and demonstrations. AACG members and member gallery owners are getting involved by personally contacting their local museums. Regional collector groups also are getting involved in the project.
A short history of the contemporary studio glass movement in the U.S. will be published by AACG and be available to museums. And thanks to the Toledo Museum of Art, AACG also will be able to offer museums photographs of the original 1962 Toledo workshop with Harvey Littleton and Dominick Labino.
The AACG Grants Committee is accepting grant requests for 2012 projects. The next grant cycle deadline is September 1, 2011. Only requests related to 2012 projects will be awarded through 2012. New guidelines for these projects are posted on this website.