International Year of Glass 2022

The United Nations declared 2022 as the International Year of Glass (#IYOG2022). Programming occurred worldwide through 2022 to celebrate all aspects of glass, such as studio and public art glass, architecture, history, technology, industry and science. AACG did a kick-off of our celebration of IYOG2022 on January 14. Click here to watch the program on YouTube.
Art Alliance for Contemporary Glass (AACG) was a member of the IYOG2022 International Steering Committee and was tasked, along with The American Ceramic Society (ACerS), with leading promotion efforts around the art component of this global initiative. To accomplish this, AACG requested that U.S. museums, glass centers and schools, artists, regional glass collector’s groups, and other entities focus on contemporary glass by sharing information about exhibitions, panel discussions, and IYOG2022 celebrations. These programs were included on event calendars of art-related glass events throughout 2022.
- IYOG2022 had more than 1,000 events, more than 2,400 endorsements, was celebrated in 95+ countries, and more than 1 million people were involved.
- 207,798 Euros were given in seed money for IYOG projects, with 86 applications funded; 47 of the applications were received for “artistic glass” projects.
- There were hundreds of scientific and technology conferences globally, glass art exhibitions, and art and art history talks and symposia.
- AACG immediate past president Larry Sibrack represented the arts and all of the efforts of the AACG IYOG committee. He served on both the North American and the International committees for IYOG2022.
“There is no doubt in my mind that the AACG/IYOG has made a profound contribution in supporting and promoting the arts. Furthermore, there is no doubt that the global agencies and organizations have acknowledged the role of the AACG in its efforts,” Sibrack said.