Grant Guidelines and Application Form

Please review all information below as our procedures have changed. Grant applications are now electronic.
AACG accepts proposals requesting support for exhibitions and programming that are aligned with the organization's mission to further the development and appreciation of art made from glass. AACG does not fund requests for equipment or capital needs. Applicants are limited to one grant per year.
The next deadline for proposals will be September 1, 2025, for projects that commence January 1 - December 31, 2026.
Please plan ahead with submission deadlines in mind.
Grants will be accepted at any time up to the listed deadline. Deadlines are firm.
In determining grant recipients and the amount of grant awards, the grants committee may consider any factors it deems appropriate. The committee, however, expects to use the following general criteria for all grants:
The applicant:
A. The reputation and prestige of the applicant
B. The size of the anticipated audience
The presentation:
A. The range and quality of work to be exhibited
B. The reputation and prestige of the artist(s) being exhibited
C. The budget devoted to the presentation (excluding overhead)
The education of the public through accompanying programs:
A. The nature and quality of public programming, such as lectures, panel discussions, demonstrations by artists, etc.
B. The budget devoted to public programs
NOTE: AACG grants generally cover only a small portion of an applicant’s exhibition expenses. The committee will, however, consider awards that would cover all or a major portion of those expenses related to public programs. Grants are paid upon receipt of a final report and certification of expenditures, once an exhibition has opened or a program has taken place. Click here to download a copy of the Grant Certification Form.
How to apply:
Requests for funding must be submitted electronically on the Google Form application at the link provided. Click here to get the form.
Direct inquiries to Sharon Karmazin, Chair, Grants Committee, 732-735-4958, email
Grants will be accepted any time up to the deadlines. Applicants are limited to one grant per year.
Notification of awards will be made as promptly as possible.
Final Grant Reports
Organizations awarded AACG grants are required to submit a final report documenting the expenditure of the funds for which the grant was given prior to receiving payment. Please click here to download the form certifying compliance that must be included with the final report. Final grant reports, including form, should be emailed to in a timely manner.