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National Glass Centre Glass Prize

Date: Oct 16, 2021, (all day)
Duration - 149 days
Location - National Glass Centre, Sunderland, England, UK
NGC Glass Prize is a European glass prize delivered by the National Glass Centre which features the work of over 40 artists who work in Europe. The exhibition includes artists working at all career stages from internationally acknowledged masters to relative newcomers.

The selected artworks on display were selected by a panel of judges including Sandra Blach, from Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, Reino Liefkes from the Victoria and Albert Museum, and Julia Stephenson from National Glass Centre. The exhibition includes work by artists from England, Scotland, Wales, France, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Romania, The Netherlands, The Czech Republic, Estonia and Belgium. It showcases techniques and approaches including using found and mixed media, casting, hot glass, kiln forming, engraving, neon, pate de verre, and video. 

Exhibition Page