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European Glass Context 2021

Date: Sep 11, 2021, (all day)
Duration - 72 days
Location - Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gård, Bornholm, Denmark

Two large curated exhibitions that will showcase the best of European glass will be held in conjunction with European Glass Context 2021 at the Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gård . The exhibitions are curated with personal invitations, as well as an open call, where individual artists, artists associations, individual curators, artists, designers and crafts makers working with glass applied for participation. 

Additionally, at Gudhjem Museum, local glass artists from Bornholm will curate an exhibition with local glass makers. And an exhibition, Glass on the Edge of Craft - Challenging the Material, will present new works by Morten Klitgaard, Pernille Braun Per-René Larsen, and Ida Wieth at Køppe Contemporary Objects.

Exhibition Page